Monday, March 2, 2009

Me and my Couch...

A quick Blog note on the happy relationship that a man can have with his Couch, and the many ways complete friendships can be ruined by sitting incorrectly, or even worse, letting a particularly spicy curry/chili come between you and your sitting utensil....

or just something for me to write up, as I am so very bored with this unemployment game.... We are both well, and sticking our heads firmly in the ground for fear of having to look at bank account balances. Their have been small things to keep us busy; Surprise 30th birthdays for mates here, playing soccer in the evenings (that was amusing to watch) and stealing as many TV shows as possible from D'Internets...and then not watching them.

So as not to have completely wasted all your individual times with some slap-flappery, please let me present the funniest thing I have seen in ages....

Here Cookie Fun!!

Bye Bye..


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

