Thursday, January 29, 2009

'Fun-Time': Gig 3 and Gig 4....and 5.

So, 'more of the same?' I hear you all whinge.... yes, yes, an emphatic YES!.

I will continue to bore you about personal details, as there is only so much of my crap that Facebook Chat can take (I think this may be the reason the new one is so remarkably bollox...too much shite)...

This week, a tale of three Festivals, three venues and three very different type's of music fan... (all photos on my Facebook)

All Tomorrow's Parties Festival, Cockatoo Island, Sydney.

A Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds Curated One day festival, with Spiritualized and a bunch of people I'd only ever heard whispered about on Pitchfork??? Count me in, I said...throwing down some hefty dollars for tickets...indeed, the steep cost and the rubbish food nearly scuppered the ATP (only 3k people turned up to the two-day version in Melbourne...but that WAS up the side of a mountain in the middle of fucking no-where).

Where to start...I've already placed a lot of pictures on Facebook here, with descriptions, so I won't repeat...but the setting was some sort of ex-prison complex for Irish 'bad-people', mixed with the Industrial Zone from the 'Crystal Maze'...all scary warehouses and stone/cement outhouses...A lot of the bands were equally scary.. Beaches, The Stabs and the amazing Afrirampo all brought the noise (and certainly the headliners were full of 'Drunken Uncle at a Wedding' libido and sleaze...) Pop sensibilities were equally catered to: Ex-Go Between Robert Foster was very 'gentle and sway', and Spiritualized and Dead Meadows brought chilled out vibes and Southern Rock Boogie in buckets...and the headliners themselves, who seemed quite inebriated and all the more glorious for it, tore through a great mix of old and new..(and a glorious version of Love-Letter)

Best one day fest since Radiohead in Galway in (gulp!) 1996? Yes.

Big Day Out, Olympic Park, Sydney.
You see all the moaning we do about idiot 14 year olds setting fire to tents and giving us dirty sideway looks at Oxegen every year, while we cower behind our bottles of Shiraz at Electric Picnic? See all the crying about the beer queues and the shit food and the shite sound and the men pissing everywhere they can, just because they can? Just come to a 'Big Day Out' and see the nadir of 'ripping kids off is easy/Lets hit someone' in it's most pure evil form.

Yes, there were good things...Neil Young with a perfectly pitched greatest hits set in front of a small but appreciative crowd (he played 'Old Man' and 'Needle and the Damage Done' :) ), the lines for beer were not as bad as I whimpered about earlier and the Drones, My Morning Jacket and TV on the Radio were a great middle of the day threesome.....

...but the sound in the main/any area was atrocious unless you were standing right in front of either of the stages, the crowds were impossible to hack through and the atmosphere was of a piss poor nature (and when did the Arctic Monkeys get so good that they could care so little and SLEEPWALK through a set?).And they closed off the Prodigy in a warehouse and wouldn't let more than 10 people in. And Bogan Glory was well in effect. Scary...

and this was a 'quiet one'?

A Day on the Green presents Leonard Cohen; Bimgarden Wine Estate, Hunter Valley, NSW.

My first ever 'Sit-Down, Outside' gig. Impeccably ran, great food, the best outdoor sound I have ever heard,and painless to get in and out of.It was held in a Winery, so bottles of the stuff was everywhere. Stunning view, nice friendly people...all-in all conclusive proof that I am now 53 (the average age of attendees) and need to hand in my 'Concert Pass' for a zimmerframe.

and Leonard Cohen... How MutherF***ing cool is Leonard Cohen. He's 74 but he skips on and off the stage all night.... He plays for 3 hours (not including a 20 min break) and does 5 encores. He managed to make all the misguided disco-themed stuff from his '80's record sound decent....and he is the most gracious performer I have ever seen (with some of the most lovely backing singers I have ever seen). Bowie gig in 2003 only beats this because I'm more familiar with the White Dukes career.
Which I will amend quite quickly.

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