Monday, July 7, 2008

I've been working on the railroad......'

Well has been a little bit of time since I updated this let me apologize to all who were inquiring...(ok, just elaine!) as to what has been going on etc....

..and the surprising answer is not much. Work continues to complex and perplex me as I try to stay away from the egos and the bitching, yet now seemingly end up in the middle of is wearing very thin let me tell you.... Middle of Winter, yet we finally get a sunny weekend after a snap of the auld cold frontage across our bow... hmmm, too many ship references is a bad way to go...

Katya is well in her new job working for Centracare, advising and meeting with families and people in one of Sydneys less well off areas...and she gets motorised next week! Huzzah! So we will have a little silver bullet to whisk us to places as far away as the shops!

and I forgot to book the present JH got for me last year, which makes me a complete tool....

Bday celebrations are planned to be a little quiet this year (an earthquake would have been quieter than last years!) so we will continue down the road and see where we end up....

Mail us and stuff, or post comments here, or find us on facebook!