Monday, July 30, 2007

More CapeTastic Photos!

In order....

i) The fireplace in the Vineyard of a Bond Villian...
ii) ....and his clock!
iii) Amazing sculpture at the National Gallery
iv) Mike, Canadian and damn good at it too!
v) 4 nights on the beer gets too much for some of our party.........


Hey troops....

Well the Cape Town adventure is over for a while as we spend our first night in our new home for the next two months here in Plettenburg Bay, a long 9 hours bus from Cape. We leave with fond memories, drunken nights and some new friends from singularly the nicest bunch of Hostel people I have ever met (Here's to all those in Cape Town Backpackers!) and they have promised jobs to any one I know who'd like to take up the offer. Kind Canucks they are too :)

We've been rained on more than 5 times, drank 20 glasses of wine at some tastings (including at the vineyard of the 5th richest man in SA), seen some excellent art/local culture, noticed that in an odd irony 80% of the vehicles here are white,and really taken in some of the amazing history of this country. And the food is class. And the beer is whore cheap. And the so is the food, which is class!

Photo's above are from the last night out, The District 6 museum (where the entire history of the struggle comes together in an amazing fashion), the stunning Lion's Head mountain, an important notice to ninjas and the new Streamlined MJK (taken just before Katya got attacked by birds while trying to eat chips) !

Another update next week!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Just arrived in cape town........

...... and its drilling rain.

Half the town has been shut down, its cold and you can't see in front of your face due to the low cloud....

Auscipcious Start.......

But there are three important things; We are here without incident, hostel is nice, and the beer in the hostel is cheap!

More to follow, with pics!

Soon, J.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Photos from various places in the haze of the last 3 weeks!......

Between Oxygen, REM, Birthdays, gigs and the madness, it amazes me that my poor, defenceless soul has lasted till this particular junction....... They say the last week may be the most lethal.
But they can rebuild me.

They can make me stronger.

One Week Left.