Sunday, March 16, 2008

News fit to print.......... MOVING!!!

Hey there, sports fans....

Its nearly April and we get another chance to chat again... Hows the wife? Did you check out that local sports team? You should really see a doctor for that.....etc,etc,etc...

'Constant stream of thought' blog...for a change...

First and last mention of REM album is very enjoyable, and heaps better than the last one, and also the one before that. Sicofantic rant over.

Things that are going on here...In a vain attempt to conform to the rest of the world, Sydney seems to be getting warmer as we creep towards May etc...We roasted last weekend whilst looking for our new.....


Depite a little haranguing from various sources (and more ID checks than I had to get when I applied for a mortgage) we have out new flat, deep in the horribly fashionable and very bohemien King St, in Newtown...So for the emmense and imminent presents and post we expect, please forward all to

203, 58/60 King St, Newtown, NSW 2042

where we will use the envelopes to paper the walls...

Katya is very well (well not at the minute, she's a little under the Auld Weather, which is a pub in Coogee) ...Coogee Bear Daycare continues to do its best to entertain her (or is she entertaining them. we aint sure)

My job continues to be all day, every day and in every way, busy....... i may be able to talk to someone in a normal way sometime on Friday at 2.50pm.

We'll get some more pics and stuff up soon....write us!



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