Went for check up on Monday and now it seems I have broken my Fibia in my left leg (the smaller of the two bones), that was heretoo un-noticed because of the swelling/ brusing etc (although we had kinda guessed) and I have probably two or three broken ribs on the left side too.....
Nowt anyone can do, as they'll just have to heal themselves up etc...but I can still walk, although sneezing is a complete NO-NO!
Oh and the neck brace has to stay on till X-mas.....
Stoopid Monkey.
In a more positive light..... with all bandages off, I can finally take a proper shower! Yay! Getting out of the house more and more which is also a plus... and the Monday after the Rugby Final (Go Springboks, Go!) we have a wee two week trip planned to bring us to some more lovely areas, before we head on back to Cape Town to fly out..... All good to go :)
Everyone still taking very good care of us here; Katya is getting her art on in a big way, designing some cool murals to go on some of the walls for the local projects.... I'm still tapping away at the computer to get some lovely things for the locals, so we do have some things to do, despite our current patient/carer nametags!
Oh, and by the way,one for Briann, Dee...... (sorry mate, don't have your email....)
The pictures below are of a South African Rain Spider... There have been at least three or 4 of them in the house since we got here... the picture in no way captures the true size of the animal (you try calling it an insect!)....its at least bigger than the top of the can!
(seemingly Red-Eye Reduction don't work on spiders....!)
On that lovely arachnid-inspired note I will leave you all...
(p.s. the South African mobile number I have has been passed on to another deserving volunteer (hence no answers to anyones texts...sorry!) , so if anyone wants to text etc please use Katya's number :) )
Christy Trocaire! That's the first thing eye noticed! Really a rule of thumb MJ, If you can see the insect/arachnid's eye, you are too close!
WHAT THE F*&k!! The size of that thing! Oh my god, I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight and I can feel a case of the heebie-jeebies coming on! I love Ireland with it's cows and small unharming spiders, go the Emerald Isle - woo!
Dear god bro, what the hell. I always knew you were accident pron, but this is just too much. You really need to be wrapped in cotton wool on a constant basis. Katya do you know what you've got yourself in for. Ha ha ha. Those injuries are dam serious, so lucky I still got my big bro. XXX
As for that spider, I agree with Dee, I dont think I'm going to leave the Irish moo cows and baa baa sheep!!!! ;-D
What is going on!!! Why did i let you leave home??? Why oh why??? Thank you for the nightmare inspiring photos. Makes me thankful for just getting 35 bites so far on me holidays. It means I havent met anything nasty.
Can you get a prettier neck brace? Maybe one in black and white? Fashion statement. Animal print is surely big in the africas? Doesnt seem to be quite so big in the americas!!
Their eyes are highly reflective to help them hunt in the dark, above your head, while you are sleeping.
I like spiders because they are quiet and the things they eat are not.
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