....Katya. You really have no idea how much you helped me over the last two weeks, and how much you will probably continue to do so as I rush towards recovery with open arms. Constantly around, contacting my folks and bro and other worried friends keeping them in the loop, tireless in enthusiasm and support, and still willing to laugh at my jokes?? Is there no end to your genius??? (Thats about as gushy as she would allow me to get I think, without resorting to violence ;) )
So, to explain what all the fuss has been about for anyone who missed the bits and pieces, here follows a quick synopsis.....
On the 11th of September, after a very successful trip to town to pick up some supplies for the kids in the play , organize Katya's Anniversary present and put the new computer for Rocky Road into production, I swerved the center's pick up to avoid a monkey in the road...managed to get the damn thing back onto the road, but the steering locked and I veered left, popped over a barrier and 'Dukes and Hazzard'ed it into a field, rolling the truck three or four times, whilst manging to be thrown from it before it reached its destination.
My initial prognosis was nothing broken, a very bruised back, and a laceration across my head that needed twelve staples to stitch up...and an award for the luckiest fucker on the face of the planet....
A trip to the hospital and three days later I was home again....but not for long.
The doctors were not convinced by my still relatively high level of discomfort, and promptly send me for a day of x-rays and MRI's up and down the Garden route here, arriving back at the hospital where I was initially led, to a consultancy with a Dr Verrier (probably the best doctor I will ever meet!)
He quickly showed me through the 3d rendering that the Catscan/MRI had done that I had broken one of the joints that held my vertebrae together in my neck separating my c6 and c7 discs, which then turned in towards my spinal column (pretty much anyway).He immediately hit sent me to bed, and set me up for an operation, to take a piece of bone from my hip to replace this joint and fuse it to my vertebrae with a titanium plate, going through my throat...
All in all, when they got in there to do the operation, the cord had swollen and it was very messy, but all good in the end! Got released after a few days rest and back here to Rocky Road for 6 weeks, until I can get another x-ray to check progress...
So that has slightly put us out of our plan, as OZ will have to wait out another month or so, but onward go we do.
THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who sent me messages and texted and called over the last two weeks; you really all kept spirits up and made the days lying motionless go quicker and quicker. I owe you all a drink (or 5!)
Cheers especially to my bro Rob, too, who stood in and saved the day. you little Gem.
Gotta go and get some rest, peeps... will be on to you all again soon with recovery news from the lazy-boys in front of the TV ;)
Good to see your ok... :)
holy schmoley that's some impressive x-rayin'!
what an adventure John, great to see you're on the mend... and how lucky you were to have the accident in a predominantly English speaking country...imagine if it were all being explained through German or French or something *shudder*
Well done Katya too - an award for super-girlfriend of the year is seriously overdue. x kate and tommy
Hey babe, delighted to see that you're on the road to recovery, and indeed recovered your wit so fast!
I'm very glad it was Katya who was with you for all of this, it sounds like she's a wee star.
Handcuff her quick...before she gets away ;-)
Ais xx
Very WWE style reporting dude...I like it.
The last picture of you looking all forelorn in your cast had me laughing my ass off....because i'm a mean cruel fecker.
Get well soon
That must have been some mean monkey to do that to you:)Glad to see all went well you look good in a neck brace.
Great to hear you are doing well. We have all been thinking of you here (Well, and coming up with different monkey jokes) :)
Too many people saying too many nice things. Why no monkey photo? Poor Katya having to put up with you. You be good for her now... Think she's gonna have to tell u what to do from now on!
Hi Mister
I tried to call you a couple of times but this shit keep saying - THe number you're calling is not reachable at the time... -
How are you? glad to see that you are better :)
Get well very soon :)
Mylove to K
HI John
you look like you were a member of the Irish rugby team man !
next time to avoid monkees just do not eat bananas while driving !!
Get well soon, the guys join me to wish you a prompt recovery !!
Holy shit. Glad ut ok - Sarah P
still the fekin stunt man john...lol.. hope you recover soon... goodluck mate. andy connolly..
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