An amazing, terrifying rush of adrenaline that completely is unlike anything I have ever experienced before!
As Katya has said in an email last night, we're still not sure who was more scared, me in the air or her on the ground...the pictures do not do the distance justice as to how long it really is! An excellent crew and really supportive (apparently I jumped very well, and this confirmed by a couple of people working there, so not too shabby for a first timer :) )....
There is a DVD too, which truly shows the complete horror on my face as I stepped up to the plate, but I'll leave that for perusal when I get home...
More animal pics on the way too from the safari at the weekend, but I'm off to relive insane flying in my head
You look so fucking cool!
holey rusted metal Batman!
so the big question is did you die ?
They're all talking about the jump but I want to know if your chin has suddenly gotten pointier??? Bizzare.
My chin has a built-in cloaking device......it just doesn't work on bridges!
wow, wow, wow, wow.
I want to do it too, I'm going to have to go over sometime and try that. And now, Doctor Ickle brother is going to ask, did that do your knees any good?? tut tut tut. ha ha ha, well worth it I'd say
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