Saturday, June 30, 2007

Olympia/ REM

All is good in the world as in the middle of final performances, Music Festivals Birthdays and hangovers, the 'auld favourites roll into town to set up a resedency in my favourite music hall in the world..... Can't wait til Tues/Wed next week!

Monday, June 11, 2007

6 weeks to go......

' on my side; Yes it is....'

Nope, not any more.... This is where all the news that is fit to print will wander idly by as I get down to some serious Planet-Crawling..

Instead of sending huge emails out to people, most of the stuff that occurs will be documented here and a lovely link placed on the usual communication devices and forwarded to the usual people (You know who you are!!!!)

..and take a look at the countdown clock on Bebo..... for it will evolve and grow, as we all do!!!!

Be Good.